What does it say about my mothering if I relate well to Mr. Mom and the dad in Multiplicity when he takes care of his kids. (Que clip of him feeding his kids a messy spaghetti dinner to the booming "There was an old lady who swallowed a fly" and cutting saran wrap with a saw. OR clip of him getting his daughter ready for ballet pictures)
It's funny that they are both Michael Keaton!
Seriously this homemaking gig is harder than it looks!
Well I think you're doing great at this homemaking thing. And to take on another kid tonight as well. Thanks again. We really appreciate all you do.
could this be true, you feel that way too? sometimes i wish someone would have made me learn housekeeping skills at school or something.
Seriously! Sure they taught us how to make a cake and sew a windsock... but not while trying to finish laundry, clean up breakfast, and soothe the crying child...
They did send me home with a doll that cried every couple hours. But it didn't care if I sat down, which just isn't real. :)
yeah, about that...babies everywhere: let us sit down!!
Haha, those crazy babies.
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