5 Minutes of Today

Today we arrived home (from a lovely visit with my sis-in-law) feeling a little tired and cranky. Audrey fell asleep in the car. I transferred her to the couch and went back outside to gather the other two and all our stuff.

I walk back into the 80 degree house holding my baby, and balancing our overstuffed bag. I hear Audrey crying, no longer on the couch. I put the babe in his highchair as Hyrum is telling me he is hungry. Something stinks. I take out the garbage, but that doesn't take care of it. I locate the smell near the sink, and discover the pot I used to boil corn (...2 days ago?), apparently I should have at least rinsed it. I fill it with soapy water.

I find Audrey in the bathroom sitting on the potty but covered in peepee. Apparently she couldn't get her pants undone fast enough. I overlook the puddle on the floor for the moment and get the sweet girl in the bath. Luckily she submits willingly to the washing.

Hyrum walks into the bathroom eating a chocolate chip cookie. I get Audrey out and let her sit in her towel at the kitchen counter to enjoy a cookie as well. She stood up to adjust her towel and knocked her breakfast cereal bowl onto the floor. I walk around the counter to see the milk scattered across the chairs and floor when I notice Hebie with a red cup. A red cup of milk. From yesterday? He may have drank some...but most of the curdled milk is down his front and settling into the cracks of his highchair.

I relocate Audrey to the couch. I undress Heb and realize he's stinky. When I set him down he goes after Audrey's cookie. I give him a piece of cookie and get one for myself and we all sit down. Hyrum repeatedly asks me to play a game with him as Hebie smears chocolate puree (from the cookie, not the diaper) on my couch and my shirt.

I'm still waiting for the energy to get up and clean the peepee, the milk in it's different stages of fermentation, the bum-bum, and the chocolate smears....

I'm grateful we had a few Costco cookies, or these 5 minutes may have been much worse!

Alright, I'm getting up now. Go team go!


melissa said...

atta cookies.

Michelle said...

I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one with days like this!

Spencer and Shalynn said...

You're so positive. By that time I would have been bawling and telling everyone that I had given up. Lucky I have good examples like you. :)

Abby said...

Shalynn- You probably don't let your dirty dishes sit our for two days! :)

AaronsherriHatch said...

This patience i mean, I love you. Thanks for the inspiring story-and making me second guess our choice to have another baby! just kidding.

AaronsherriHatch said...

*This is the patience..

Abby said...

Ha ha! Thanks Sherri!

Second guess all you want, she's already comin!

Bezzant family said...

just another day in paradise!

Abby said...

Hi Jamie,
I don't mind at all! Thank you for the comment; thank you for the compliments, they are well needed today!

Your baby girl is so sweet, look at those cheeks!

Ammon says Hi, this summer we went up to a cabin at Timberlakes, and he was reminiscing about the prom day date (I think) pulling a trailer down that steep mountain, and the brakes burning up--and he had to go around the cars in front of him...He tells it like a near death experience, do you remember?

The Pooles said...

I love days like that! Gotta giggle and try to find the happy moments within the messes and frustrations. I'm sure chocolate chip cookies help too.

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