Morning, Can we be friends?

Dear Morning,

Can we be friends again?

It's silly, but when I see you coming I cover my head and pretend I don't know you. I'm sorry to say that when you come to my door I groan a little, let you in begrudgingly and then-as you know-I haven't welcomed you with hospitality.

It's not you it's me.

You are still more beautiful than ever. You've been happy to see me and listened as good as always. Maybe you've been a little cold, no doubt in response to my distant behavior.

I hope you'll forgive me.

Remember the good times? It used to be that there wasn't enough time for us--just you and me. We used to inspire and encourage each other. My day is always happier when I visit with you.

Can we be friends again? Like old times?



melissa said...

haha. abby, i do think of you as a morning person for sure.

but when you're feeding a baby at night don't you get a pass? or is hyrum a full-night sleeper?

Abby said...

I think you meant Hebie, and he sometimes sleeps through the night, sometimes he wakes up a couple times...or if it isn't him it is someone's all just a blur really.

Either way I really need to greet the morning before my kiddos force me to!

melissa said...

yeah, totally meant heber, and i love that you called him hebie. that's just cute.

i guess you don't really want a pass on morning time, even if you could justify one. that's probably what you were saying in the first place.

jen.nie said...

Morning and i have always had a rough relationship. But when things are good they are so good, so bright, peaceful and full of promise for the day ahead. i just wonder why my body puts up such a fight.

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